Full Circle

Hi guys, remember me? I used to be the author of this blog. I’ve been away for a while now. I really don’t know why to be honest. I guess, the best excuse I can come up with is that I’ve just been living life. I’ve also committed myself to writing on some other places around the web (see The Talented Tenth and Bark + Bite) so that’s taken up the bit of my time that’s not consumed by sleep, familial duties and work. But I’m not really here to talk about all that. My bio says that I’m an ex-journalism student looking for a new hustle and I can’t really say that’s true anymore. It took not really being happy where I was in life to realize that all I’ve wanted to do for a while now is write That’s it. At this point it’s my plan A, B and C. So earlier this year I decided to go back to school and get my masters in Journalism. I talked to old professors, mentors, family member and friends about my plans and they all thought I should go for it, even those that thought it was pointless when I first started talking grad school. After all, this was my original plan after graduation in 2007.

It’s crazy how I came back to my original starting point. I threw all kind of options around, but here I am right back where I started. Back to the story. So I made of list of five schools that I would apply to. All except for one had long stopped accepting applications for fall 2010. The only one left to apply to was the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. So that’s what I did. I took the GRE and even flew up for an interview. Let me make one thing clear: this was a long shot folks. Northwestern has one of the best J-Schools in the country and I was the underdog in every way in this situation. But I put all that aside and plowed through the application process. I didn’t even have time to really think about what I was doing.

Flash forward to a couple weeks ago. It was right after my 25th birthday when I realized what I had done and that’s when the nervousness began. Actually, nervous doesn’t do what I was feeling justice let’s make that agony. Every time I thought about it my chest would constrict and I was sure I was going to have either a panic attack or a stroke before all was said and done. This week was especially bad, mainly because I was set to find out the decision on or before August 15. I was checking my app status it seemed like every 10 minutes. I just wished they would put me out of my misery so I would know what was next. And last night it all changed. I was on the phone with a good friend and decided to check the status one more time before bed and low and behold there was a decision available. I decided to swallow my fear and click on it. Guess what, I GOT IN!!! Looks like I’ll be headed to Illinois in January. It’s still a shock to be honest. I didn’t think I was getting in and I was having regrets about telling people about my plans, mostly because I didn’t want to deal with telling them I got rejected. But I did it. I got into one of the best programs in the country. Me. I’m not sure how it happened, but I’m thanking God every step of the way. I just really needed a ‘yes’ in my life. I’d almost gotten used to rejection, but maybe this is what’s meant to be. I’m not sure what’s going to happen next or if this is going to be the beginning of the career of my dreams. I’m just grateful for the opportunity and plan to take full advantage of it. I’ll keep you posted.

Full Circle

Words of Encouragement- Ear,Nose and Throat style

This is actually a draft that I started in September and for what reason never published. I thought I’d share with you guys (read: the two people who may read this) where my head was at that time.  I’m also happy to report I’m feeling better about my situation. I actually had a chance not to long ago to write a feature story for a magazine. I’m still waiting on an update from that. I’ll be sure to let you know what happens with that.  On to the inspirational stuff:

It’s funny the random places you can hear things that inspire you to keep pushing. After suffering all week from a mystery ailment similar to the flu, I decided to take myself on a little field trip to the ENT office.  I was there for something to help me not feel like crap warmed over. But the doc gave me something to calm the life crisis that had been deepening since I graduated.  After listening to the symptoms and all that jazz he gave me a flu test that involved him shoving something like a swab all the way into the nether regions of my sinuses which sucked. Badly. While we waited on the results we got to talking about school and I explained to him I majored in Journalism and how I thought that might have been a bad move on my part seeing as how it seems to be a dying industry as of late. That coupled with the bad economy has had my second guessing myself a lot lately. He then began telling me that he hadn’t gone straight to med school and that he took some time off after graduation. He,like me, worked some jobs that were completely unrelated to his ultimate career goals.He intially had plans to go to medical, but like many others let advisors persuade him to go for the easier path. In the end, he decided med school was what he really wanted and went for it.

Hearing his story about how he eventually ended up exactly where he wanted to be in life comforted me even more than I expected. I’ve heard several stories like this from family members, bosses, random people on the street and so on. His just felt more heartfelt for some reason. I related to his more. I like my current job and definitely feel grateful to even have a job. However, I realize this is definitely not my path in life. It’s unfortunate that I’m not where I want to be, but maybe if I keep working towards what I want I’ll eventually get there.

Words of Encouragement- Ear,Nose and Throat style

Balloon boy couldn’t mess with this on his best day

All this news coverage on balloon boy and his family has me thinking.  Before I begin let’s get a couple of things straight: I think playing on the general public’s emotions,not to mention wasting tax dollars on a phantom chase, simply for promotional purposes is reprehensible. Not only was it a bad idea, depending on what comes out of this federal investigation it might also be illegal. The story sounded fishy to me from the jump. First of all, who builds balloon/ jiffy popcorn looking aircraft for kicks and giggles? And to look for E.T. in a storm? I’ve read and heard of some pretty crazy things in my day, but this whole family is on an absolutely different level. I don’t even think there is an accurate word to describe their particular brand of crazy yet. And finally, as far as bad kids go I’ve seen better. Ladies and gentleman, have you met Latarian Milton? If not, allow me the honor of introducing you:

Latarian Milton is what we young kids like to call trill. He got news coverage without wacky family dynamics or a faulty story. He didn’t even hide after all was said and done. He owned up to everything he did. He even laid out a reason: he just wanted to do hoodrat stuff with his friends.  His heart definitely doesn’t pump kool-aid! Even his grandmother had the right idea. If your kid does something that lands you on the news for any other reason than accepting a  Good Samaritan award, they need their behind whooped. In fact, that’s how I knew the Heene’s story was suspect. Falcon was on national tv fidgeting and moving around like he wasn’t in fear of his life. Had that been my mom I would have been begging the camera crew to take me with them for fear of retribution on her part. His parents could have at least given him a few taps to make it all believable. Go hard or go home is all I’m saying.

Oh, but don’t think the Milton saga is over. Latarian struck again This time he was arrested for fighting with his grandmother for not buying him some fried chicken at a local Walmart. Don’t believe me? Click play. I couldn’t make this stuff up even if I tried.

This is how you do it Heene family! Crazy stuff like this simply can’t be reproduced. Next time just go with the flow and some of that crazy is bound to show up on camera.

Balloon boy couldn’t mess with this on his best day

Umm…I had to water the fish and other fun excuses

I’ve really wanted to write these past couple of months. I really have. For whatever reason I haven’t had the courage to post anything. I think this video perfectly sums up my situation. Although I’m sure my issue is on a much smaller scale. I’ve got at least 10 or 12 unfinished drafts on this blog. Some topics are good and some kind of suck. Hopefully I can revamp the good ones and post them. I’ll be right back though, me and my “little hater” need to have a meeting (you know, the fist to face kind)  and this time I’m going to be the first one to walk out of the room.

Umm…I had to water the fish and other fun excuses

It’s been a long time…

Well not really, but in blog years it seems like I haven’t posted in forever. I really need to work on the follow through part of life. I’ve never been good at the journal thing so I guess it’s only natural that this blogging thing is touch and go. I’m working on it. I”ve been trying to think about what direction I want this to go in. Truthfully, I still have no idea. Once I found out I’ll let you know. So much has happened since my last post. I’m gonna do my best to catch up. I’m really trying to make this a constant thing. Bear with me folks.

It’s been a long time…

The return

After years of hope (and prayers for some), it’s official ladies and gentlemen. Maxwell has finally returned! Thank you Sweet Baby Jesus! Not only do we have a new video, we also have a release date. July 7th is when I officially get more Maxwell in my life. The single “Pretty Wings” is nothing short of beautiful and a welcome break from the influx of auto-tuned assisted  club music. The video is stunning. In short, I love everything about this comeback so far. I haven’t been this geeked about a release since my boy band days (I ain’t shamed!) This song will likely be on repeat for the next couple of months and that says a lot given my ADD music listening habits. Anyway, as B. Scott would say: Get into this!

The return

And the title of Ms. TMI 2009 goes to…

I’m not really a fan of the overshare. I don’t ask too many questions because in my short life I’ve found nine times out of ten things are just better that way. However, some folks don’t understand this simple concept. I’ve been the victim of TMI many times in life, but this one lady at my job takes the ultimate cake.

This woman is  a regular at my library, well at least since I’ve been there. I see her and any combination of her children at least once a week. She seems to have a problem which I refer to as “verbal vomiting” meaning she has no barrier between her thoughts and what comes out of her mouth. It didn’t bother me because I’m used to it. Several family members (and even myself to a degree) have the same problem. I usually just treat her like I treat my folks: hit her with the smile and nod (this also works wonders with varying degrees of crazy btw.)

A couple of weeks ago, she came into my library and the first thing she said was, “Girl did you see Dwayne Johnson on TV this morning?!” At first I was thinking who the hell is Dwayne Johnson and did he commit some type of crime I should be aware of? About a minute late I realized who she was talking about. One time for the slow folks! Then she proceeded to talk about how good he looked and named every other man on Earth she was physically attracted to.  None of this seemed to hint at what was about to come.

Then she hit me with this, ” I’m  married but my son says I need a boyfriend. One time this guy at the grocery store said he could tell I was married because I didn’t have that hungry look in my eyes. He said I wasn’t on the prowl. If he only knew. I’m always on the prowl. I haven’t had sex in 18 months. I’m so freakin horny!” That’s when I tried to pretend she wasn’t talking to me. I busied myself and tried to give her every hint I could that I wanted her to be quiet. On top of the she was extra loud in the middle of the freaking library talking about her sex life.I mean why did she feel the need to share that jewel of a statement with me? I highly doubt there was anything I could do to remedy her situation. Did I mention I get mental pictures? That statement pretty much ruined my day and the five that followed.

So after she left, I asked the other folks at the circulation desk had they heard what she said. Apparently, I was the only one privy to that info. I just thought she was talking loudly because she was saying something vastly inappropriate.  I think everyone should be require to take a few of these classes before they become an adult: How Not To Be An Asshole 101, Home Training: An Accelerated Course, History of Crackheads and the most important of all Avoiding the Overshare: Nobody Wants To Hear That Crap. These are just my opinions, but I think they would do us all a favor.

And the title of Ms. TMI 2009 goes to…

I am…

I’m a writer. I might not be a great one, but I’m a writer through and through. Even though I have a degree in Journalism I didn’t realize it until this past weekend.
For the last few months I’ve had what I think is a severe case of writer’s block. The stress of life coupled with the realization that I may never get a job in my field stole my will to write. I’ve been feeling empty and couldn’t figure out what was missing.
It wasn’t until having a conversation over drinks with friends that it hit me.
It was writing. Just the simple act of organizing my thoughts into written form brought such a rush, a sort of freedom that I needed to really feel like me.
So Sunday, I put the pen to paper and tried to see what I came up with. It wasn’t a masterpiece, but instantly I felt whole. Its the closest I’ve felt to myself in a while.
A couple of weeks ago, I discussed all of this my friend Candice. She said “When inspiration hits you you’ll be getting high off the shit you wrote!” She stole that last part from Common but all of it speaks the truth. The written word is my high and I never want to lose it again.

I am…

The song I wish I never heard

Maxwell, you’re killin me!! I first heard this song when I acquired (downloaded) the audio version of the show in Amsterdam. I’ve been kicking myself ever since. Maxwell actually came to my city this past November and I didn’t go. I was a fool. Clearly, this was one hell of a show. See, he also “came” in 2001. I use the word came loosely because the show never actually occurred. It was me and my then best friend in all our 16 year old glory so excited to be at the grown folks concert. All that excitement soon turned to major disappointment. Turns out that was like the second time he pulled that foolishness on the B’ham audience. So I was a little leery this time. That and my funds were low from giving up my life’s savings to  see  Janet Jackson. The high off of that show made completely ignore the obvious: I need more Maxwell in my life.  If this is any indication of what the rest of the Black Summer’s Night trilogy is all about then I think I might lose it if he doesn’t release something REAL soon.

The song I wish I never heard

Getting to know you (well me)

I usually hate those chain note things on facebook. They take time that frankly me and my job don’t have and most of them are mind numbingly stupid. However, this one out of the recent batch caught my attention so when I finally got tagged in a friend’s I decided to take a stab at coming up with 25 interesting things about myself. It didn’t turn out how I initially thought it would but I thought it was pretty cool.

1. I love my first and middle name. For those that don’t know it’s Mia Sade (like the singer), I think that has a good ring to it and I’d prefer if that’s what people called me.

2. I love my friends more than they probably know.

3. I’m actually a big softie at heart.

4. I think parenthood is the most beautiful thing in the world especially fatherhood. There’s nothing like seeing a man loving and interacting with his child/children.

5. I can’t get anything done without music playing somewhere even if it’s in my head.

6. My favorite member of UGK is Pimp C. I mean, Bun B is probably a better rapper but Pimp was more entertaining.

7. A lot of my personal worst nightmares have already happened to me.

8. I’m deathly afraid of octopi (octopuses, how ever you say it). I can’t handle looking at them. It’s pretty much a given I’ll freak out.

9. My friends and I once walked on the set of the Dark Knight.

10. A lot of times I feel like I’m wasting my potenial.

11.I’d probably pass out if I ever met Janet Jackson.

12. Even though I wasn’t always pro-Greek life, getting into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. I love my ls’s and my sorors! I’ve had some great experiences thus far.

13. I want to know everyone’s story.

14. Which is why I can’t help but talk to every person I meet. You learn some great things that way.

15. I get in my own way. A LOT.

16. A piece of my soul dies every time someone mixes up to and too.

17. I want to accomplish a lot in life but I’m not sure where to start.

18.I think that Biggie is the G.O.A.T.

19. I wish I was a better writer.

20. Black and white photos make me think of racism.

21. Besides the obvious benefit of getting a free pass to be as big of a fat ass as possible, Thanksgiving pisses me off.

22. I really wish I could be more optimistic.

23. I’ve just recently learned you don’t have to suffer all the time for life to have meaning. It’s okay to be happy.

24. Martinis are awesome!

25. I’m a blogger 3 times over. Check me out at can-i-kick-it.blogspot.com, wearethetalentedtenth.blogspot.com and theutterlyconfused.wordpress.com. All 3 are what’s hot in the streets.

Getting to know you (well me)